Lowongan Kerja BUMN 2013 PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur Lowongan Kerja PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) -
PT SMI is a rapidly growing state-owned company in Indonesia, headquartered in Jakarta and running in business of non bank financial services. The Company was established in 2009 and operates as a catalyst for accelerating infrastructure development in Indonesia with offers loan, mezzanine and equity for infrastructure projects.
PT SMI also provides advisory services for local and foreign investors. Based on
PT SMI (Persero) Financial Statements 2012, the Company posted total projects of Rp16.1 trillion for the year ending December of 2012. In October 2012, the Company was appraised by Fitch Ratings as "the National Long-Term Rating of 'AA (idn)' with Stable Outlook".
To achieve the company vision ; a leading catalyst in the acceleration of the National Infrastructure Development Program, PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) have following positions to offer for the right person that can grow together as
Detail Lowongan Kerja BUMN 2013 PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur
Division Head of Research and Business Development (DH-RABD)Requirements
- Min Post Graduate Degree in Economic/Management/Accounting
- Min 10 years experience in Finance/Capital Market/Banking/Corporate planning
- Having excellent knowledge on micro and macro economic
- Having ability to develop strategies based on market research and organizational expertise
Division Head of Financing and Investment (DH-FI)Requirements
- Min Post Graduate Degree in Economic/Finance/Accounting
- Min 10 years experience in similar position
- Having experience in conducting promotion and market penetration related financing and investment products to new and current customers
- Having good knowledge and ability in exploring new business with new and current customers
- Cultivating business relationship and communications with new potential and current customers
- Having good knowledge and ability in preparing new credit proposals and due diligence process
- Having ability and experience in formula financing structure and manage the financing transaction
Head of Corporate Communications (HCC-KM)Requirements
- A Bachelor's degree in Communication, Journalism, Social studies or other related fields
- Min 7 years of experience working in communications is preferred, especially in the banking sector, financial indstry, or media
- Ability to work with printed and web media, associated writers, designers, editors, and printing houses
Portfolio and Asset Liability Management Staff (PALM-KM)Requirements
- Min Bachelor Degree in Finance/Economic
- Min 5 years experience in similar position particulary in Banking/Private Equity/Investment bank industry
- Have good knowledge and experience in fund raising and fund management
- Understanding about basic risk management, and account oayabke documentation
Research and Development Staff (RD-KM)Requirements
- Min Bachelor Degree in Economic/Management
- Min 3 years experience in finance or capital marketi/banking
- Having knwoledge on micro and macro economic
- Having experience in corporate planning or research and development areaa
Accounting Asset - Administration Staff (AF-KM)Requirements
- Min Bachelor degree in Accounting
- Having experience/knowledge in administration financing in banking/finance
- Having knowledge about implementation in IFRS in financial/banking industrty
- Preferably Banking Management Training certificate in an advantage
Relationship Officer (RO-KM)Requirements
- Min Bachelor Degree in Communications/Public Relations or other related discipline from reputable university
- Min 3 years experience in similar position
- Having good presentation skill and writing skill for reporting
- Having a good ability to develop and maintain good relationship with other parties
Financial Officer (FO-KM)Requirements
- Min Master Degree/Post Graduate Degree in Finance from reputable university
- Min 2 years experience in similar position
- Having experience in financial report structuring and fundraising
- Having ability to report the result of financial consultant review
- Having good knowledge in budgeting
Senior Legal Staff (SSL-KM)Requirements
- Min Bachelor Degree in Law from reputable university
- Min 10 years experience in banking/state owned company/multi nastional company as team leader or group head
- Having ability and knowledge about loan documentation, ligitation, and special asset management
- Having ability and knowledge about project finance, banking and capital market
- Having ability and knowldge about legal drafting and corporate law
Senior Staff Monitoring (SSM-KM)Requirements
- Min Bachelor Degree in Finance
- Min 5 years experience in similar position particukary in banking sector
- Having knowledge about products, system, policies, procedures and credit monitoring in Banking/Financce industry
- Having knowledge in financial analysis and risk management (BSMR 1 certificate is preferred)
- Having knowledge of lending regulations, including applicable regulations from Bank of Indonesia /Ministry of Finance
- Having good experience in restructuring, dealing with under-performing loans and mitigation/remedial measures in an advantage
General Requirements
- Having good in interpersonal communication skill, mature, hardworker, and ability to work within deadline
- Having ability to work in a team as well as individually, creative, fast learning, pleasant personality and honest
- Having good command of English both in written and spoken is a must
- Proficient with computer literacy min Ms Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)
Lamaran Ke Lowongan Kerja BUMN 2013 PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur
Jika Anda percaya bahwa Anda memiliki keterampilan yang diperlukan, kualitas dan pengalaman untuk berhasil dalam posisi ini, silahkan surat lamaran Anda disertai dengan CV lengkap dan foto terbaru (ukuran paspor) dalam waktu 14 hari sejak tanggal iklan ke email: karir @ ptsmi??. co.id. Kode posisi harus ditulis dalam subjek email .. Semua aplikasi yang dihargai dan akan diperlakukan secara rahasia. Hanya yang memenuhi syarat, terpilih pelamar akan diundang untuk proses furthers.
Untuk mempersiapkan Ujian PSIKOTEST pada tahap selanjutnya, silahkan persiapkan diri anda dengan membaca >> Ebook Psikotest BUMN PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) <<
Tags: BUMN, Finance, S1
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